Seasonal, sustainable, locally grown field flowers and foliage from Cornwall. Pick Your Own Flowers at our farm in Summer.
We work with the seasons, growing sustainable field flowers and foliage from our micro flower farm in Cornwall.
We pride ourselves on providing quality flowers, and growing varieties that you just don’t see every day, bringing you those ‘just picked’, fragranced flowers that you may have forgotten!
Our flower farm is in the heart of Cornwall, and is located just a five minute drive from Chiverton Cross on the A30.
We sell our flowers from our farm gate, to the public, with twice weekly drops during our peak growing season. Each week we announce on our social media when they are put on the stand, so you do not miss out!
We are also open to the public for Pick Your Own Flowers during the high Summer and early Autumn months, which can be pre booked on our online shop.
Welcome to our Flower Shop and Cornish Lifestyle Store, Inspired by Coastal Living
“There is more to life than living. You need sunshine, freedom and a little flower”
Hans Christian Anderson